At Hamilton Leonard we can take care of all of your personal Insurance – homes, vehicles, travel, yachts and motorboats at extremely competitive prices.
We can readily compete with on line do it yourself companies and can give you peace of mind that your covers are arranged on the correct basis and highlight any warranties etc. that may apply.
Amid the increasing impersonal and automated world of large insurance corporations, Hamilton Leonard provides a refreshingly boutique-style service along with individual advice and cover based on an in-depth understanding of your requirements.
For a personalised quotation call 0141 226 5161
Many homeowners may not realise the effect underinsurance can have emotionally and financially, especially if the property is complex to repair or listed. Now, more than ever with the continual increase in costs for labour, materials and replacement items extra care should be taken in ensuring an adequate Sum Insured for Buildings and Contents. View our guide to underinsurance below: